From Copenhagen to Greenland

Watch the footage of HH the 12th Champion Kenting Tai Situpa's journey from Copenhagen to Greenland onto his very first stop paying respect to a local sacred site. June 21, 2018.


Watch His Holiness shared his vision on the topic of Active Peace – One World, One Humanity by introducing to the audience some profound concepts through easy to understand examples and tips on how to practically act upon them.

H.H. the 12th Kenting Tai Situpa
June 2018

We should be servant of everyone and we should be servant of ourselves, but not the servant of our ego, not the servant of our greed, not the servant of our hatred, not the servant of our jealousy. Lots of the time where things go wrong is when we become the servant of our own ego and greed.

H.H. the 12th Kenting Tai Situpa
June 2018

Ultimately, everybody is good people. Everyone is perfect. Everything is perfect. Relatively, it becomes sometimes imperfect. Imperfection happens because of intention. And intention is ruled by greed, hatred, jealousy, so on and so force.

H.H. the 12th Kenting Tai Situpa
June 2018

We tried so many things and many times we end up disappointed. Why? Of course there’s Karma, there’s so many other things. But the root cause is when we do things for the others, we have strings attached.

H.H. the 12th Kenting Tai Situpa
June 2018

If you think you are nothing, you are everything. If you think you’re something, then you just, that something. Something cannot be everything. Nothing can be everything. You know when you think you are small, you are humble, then you are big, larger than life. If you think you have to be visible by being tough and being puffed up, then that’s about it.

H.H. the 12th Kenting Tai Situpa
June 2018

There will never be one time when everything is peaceful and it will go on forever. You have work for it. You have to maintain it. You have to continuously be aware.

H.H. the 12th Kenting Tai Situpa
June 2018

Upgrade every system in which we function in harmonious way, not by one against another.

H.H. the 12th Kenting Tai Situpa
June 2018

We want our clothes to be clean so we wash it, not against. Washing our dirty laundry is not a demonstration against the dirty clothes.

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