For the Ice, By the Ice, Of the Ice

June 22-23, 2018. His Holiness shared viable approaches on how to sustain through climate change.
Technically speaking, if you are able to use one percent of the freshwater, then we don’t have to worry about the fresh water supply. It will be for long time, sustainable for long time.


In this first part of the clip, His Holiness joined the organizers and local host for peace pledge. Each of them gave a small aspiration for peace.

In a group gathering, His Holiness talked in practicality the viable approach for us to sustain through the harsh facts of climate change and fast ice melting.

He re-emphasized three important things to contemplate – what do you want, what do you have and what do you need. When we drill a bit deeper, then we come to understand what do we want goes with what we don’t want, what we need goes with what we don’t need, what we have with what we don’t have.

We have so much fresh water. We need fresh water. In addressing the facts of fast melting ice and the loss of precious fresh water, His Holiness stated that if we can make use of the melted water, then it will be enough to sustain us for a long time at least.

His Holiness shared that the water lakes on top of the ice can drill into the ice which causes big ice to fall off, same as the water formed in the basin beneath the ice. “That’s why ice sheet cracking here and there,” he said.

Ice become water due to all kinds of reasons. That becomes the enemy of the ice. Underneath that ice. water. That is the enemy of the ice.

So all of that can be taken care nicely if this is done in the most conscientious, intelligent way and use the wisdom. So that way, it will be sustainable for long time. Then it should impact the preservation and the propagation of the ice itself because there will not be the enemy of the ice

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