Pilgrimage for Active Peace – Silver Jubilee Book

H.H. the 12th Champion Kenting Tai Situpa presenting the Pilgrimage for Active Peace Silver Jubilee Book which documented the past 25 years of his efforts in advocate of Active Peace - One World, One Humanity. June 21, 2018
Everything is a dream. And we don’t mind being called dreamers. Yesterday’s dream, today’s reality. Today’s dream, tomorrow’s reality.


Watch H.H. the 12th Champion Kenting Tai Situpa addressing the urgent agenda of the rapidly melted ice with a positive attitude at the top of World, Greenland.

Standing on top of the Big Ice, he witnessed the crucial fact right in front of his eyes that 10 years ago, the ice was 500 meters above the current ground level where he stood. His Holiness said, “That is the real reality. But nothing is never too late, still we see lots of ice.”

“We are on the top of the world and in our top of the list is to do our best in every possible way to make this life of ours as meaningful as possible. This way we can make the world a better place for our next generation and future generations to come. For this reason we make this pledge. “

He called upon the attention of the audience that the top of the agenda on our list is to protect our environment. Out of environment, water is the most important thing. As he put it, “Without water, we are finished!”

At the end of his speech, His Holiness presented the Pilgrimage for Active Peace Silver Jubilee Book which documented the past 25 years of efforts that have been carried out for his grand vision of Active Peace – One World, One Humanity.

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